

At Hamilton Turner, we offer a very friendly service and are very sensitive to the needs of our clients who quite often are experiencing a very emotional time in their lives. Please read the information below and if you feel we can be of assistance do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a consultation.


  • Separation
  • Divorce
  • Maintenance
  • Access/Custody
  • Guardianship



Marital breakdown is sad but all too familiar part of society. Such problems involve delicate legal consequences that involve the family home and welfare payments. 

We offer a friendly, professional and very confidential service in negotiating between spouses in order to decide for maintenance for both spouse and dependent children. 

We aim to resolve any dispute involving a marital breakdown in a sensitive and cost-effective manner. 

If you would like to arrange a consultation with one of our legal team please do not hesitate to contact us to organise a consultation as soon as possible.


In order to be eligible for divorce, the following conditions must be met;


  1. The Husband and Wife must be living apart for 4 of the previous 5 years
  2. No reasonable prospect of reconciliation 


If your situation satisfies the above then we would be happy to act on your behalf to try and come to a speedy and satisfactory outcome to this delicate matter. 

If you would like to arrange an appointment, please contact one of our legal team to set up a consultation as soon as possible.


Should you find yourself in a position of Marital Breakdown or indeed single parenthood then you will realise that you and/or your child are entitled to maintenance.

Negotiating Maintenance Agreements can be a difficult and stressful time. If you feel that you are entitled to maintenance, then do not hesitate to contact one of our legal team to arrange a consultation as soon as possible.


Parents and grandparents are entitled to access if not custody of children. Each case varies and is determined on a case by case basis.

You may find that you are being refused access to your children/grandchildren. If so, then we may be in a position to help you to gain access and/or custody.

If you feel that you are entitled to relief in this section please do not hesitate to contact one of our legal team and we will arrange an appointment as soon as possible.


The natural mother of a child is automatically a guardian of the child. The natural father of a child who is not married to the mother of the child can apply to be a guardian.

Once you are recognised as a guardian you have many rights with regard to your child. Being a guardian requires a person to partake in the important decisions in a child's life such as education, religion, and general rearing.

If you would like to become the guardian of your child we can assist you. Please do not hesitate to contact one of our legal team will we will arrange an appointment as soon as possible.

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